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Detoxing your mind is a powerful way to clear out mental clutter and reduce stress. It can help you become more focused, creative, and productive. By regularly practicing these calming techniques you can cleanse your brain of negative thoughts and feelings that can cause stress or anxiety. You can enjoy the benefits of a calmer and clearer mind by implementing these quick and easy tips.


Meditation is a key practice to not only calm and quiet your mid as you are actively meditating but the consistent practice of meditation also trains your mind to automatically calm itself from intrusive and distracting thoughts on a daily basis. Implementing a regular meditation practice has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression and improve mental function. Just 5 minutes a day of mindful meditation can quickly detox your mind.


Mindful journaling is a great way to declutter your mind and release any emotions or thoughts that you may be feeling. It can help you to become aware of your feelings, thoughts, and experiences in order to gain clarity and insight into yourself. By taking the time to write down your thoughts and feelings, you can begin to understand yourself better and make decisions from a more informed perspective. Journaling is an effective way to help clear away mental clutter, allowing you to focus on what really matters in life.

Spend Time Outdoors

Spending time outdoors is a great way to clear your mind and reduce stress. Taking a walk in nature, breathing in the fresh air, and observing the beauty around you can help you to relax and reset. It can also help to boost creativity and problem-solving skills. By taking some time away from our daily routines, we can gain perspective on our lives and find solutions to our problems. So make sure you take some time out of your day to get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature – it’s good for both your body and mind!

Keep Your Space Tidy

Cleaning your space can be a great way to clear your mind and reduce stress. It can help you feel more organized and focused, allowing you to better manage tasks, projects, and relationships. A clean workspace also helps create a calming atmosphere that is conducive to productivity. By taking the time to clean your home or workspace, you can create a positive environment that promotes focus and creativity. Cleaning can also be an opportunity for self-care as it allows you to take a break from the hustle of everyday life and enjoy some much-needed time for yourself.

Digital Detox

In this digital age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to take a break from our devices and give our minds the time and space they need to rest. Detoxing from technology can help us do just that. It is a way to unplug from the digital world, reduce stress, and clear our minds. A digital detox involves taking a break from our phones, computers, and other digital devices for an allotted period of time. This allows us to free up more of our time for activities that can help us relax and recharge such as reading books, going for walks in nature or spending time with family and friends. By taking regular breaks from technology we can give ourselves the opportunity to focus on what matters most – ourselves – while also helping us become happier in the long run.

Practice Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help clear the mind and bring a sense of peace and calm. Through the practice of yoga, one can learn to control their breathing, become more aware of their body, and gain a greater understanding of their mental and emotional states. This helps to create a clearer mind, which in turn can lead to improved focus and concentration. By practicing yoga regularly, one can gain access to a range of benefits such as increased flexibility, improved strength, better posture, reduced stress levels, and improved overall wellbeing.

Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are a natural way to help clear and calm the mind. They have been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine and aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. Lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and frankincense are some of the most popular essential oils for calming and clearing the mind. Each oil has its own unique properties that can help to soothe away stress and tension while improving mental clarity. By using these essential oils in combination with other relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, you can create an environment of peace and clarity that will help to clear your thoughts and focus your energy on what matters most.

Use a few drops of the following essential oils with a carrier oil directly on the body for a more direct effect, or diffuse 5-7 drops in a diffuser:

Lavender for calming and mind clearing.

Peppermint for clearing brain fog and stimulating the mind.

Rosemary for a clearer and more refreshed mind.

Frankincense for reduced brain fog and increased peace and wellness.

Take a look at our favorite essential oils we carry HERE.

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