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The following essential oils will help cleanse your home and protect it from any negative energy and help to promote positivity, love and happiness in your space.

1. Orange

Orange Essential Oil helps you overcome energy exhaustion and stress, improves your mood and promotes a positive outlook on life. It can help cleanse the aura of your home and promote positive vibrations as well.

2. Basil

Basil helps to increase your self-esteem and eliminate a number of fears and worries that can prevent you from fully living and enjoying your life. Also, Basil oil has a positive effect on the nervous system. It calms you down, relieves nervous and mental stress, relieves anxiety, and fights depression. Basil essential oil clarifies and cleanses the human mind, and protects the house from toxic energy and negative people.

3. Lavender

Lavender is amazing at cleansing the home of negative energy. It’s ability to relax the body and cleanse the aura can really raise your positive vibrations. It can also help with insomnia and nightmares, just spray some Lavender Spray on your bed before you go to sleep.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary is very good for cleansing the home and protecting the energy of your home and all the people in it.

5. Thyme

This powerful essential oil helps to restore and strengthen the aura and boosts the immunity against toxic and negative energy.

Thyme oil not only protects us from negativity from the outside but also promotes a positive outlook.

6. Lemon

Lemon essential oil helps to cope with the energy exhaustion, raises the spirit, purifies the mind. It perfectly invigorates, refreshes and gives a boost of energy. Lemon oil is an effective remedy for feelings of drowsiness, lethargy, and fatigue. It can also boost positivity, optimism, and creativity in the home or space you are in.

The best ways to use the Essential Oils to cleanse your home is to dilute them in water and put them in a spray bottle to spray around the house or whenever you need them. You can also diffuse the oils in a diffuser to clean and clear the air in your home quickly. Both of these are effective ways of quickly cleansing your entire home of negative energy and protecting it from that in the future.

 Learn more about Essential Oils for adrenal fatigue.

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