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Boost your metabolism


While there are certain uncontrollable factors that influence your metabolism (like genetics, gender, and age), there are still many ways you can speed it up! In fact, all the little decisions you make about eating and moving make a big difference in your calorie-torching ability.

Here are 8 simple ways to BOOST your metabolism:


1. Hydrate

When you first wake up, drink a 16 oz glass of water to get your body hydrated and energized. Continuing to drink water throughout the day can actually help you burn more calories while at rest.

2. Brew a cup of green tea

Green tea contains 4 types of catechins, which are antioxidant phytochemicals that encourage your body to burn fat as energy.

3. Eat wisely

Relying on crash diets and severely cutting caloric intake can result in rapid weight loss, but the tradeoff is that it can also lead to muscle loss, fatigue, and a slower metabolism.

4. Incorporate protein.

While protein is found in every tissue of your body, it’s extremely dense in muscle. Combined with exercise and weight lifting, incorporating protein into your diet can increase your muscle mass. Boosting your muscle mass actually allows your body to burn more calories. 

5. Stand up more

Sitting for longer periods of time burns few calories and can lead to weight gain. Try to stand up regularly or invest in a standing desk.

6. Workout.

Your level of movement and physical activity directly affects your metabolism. Remember that the more active you are every day, the higher your metabolism goes.

7. De-stress

Stress can trigger a cortisol spike, which can make you hungrier and impede metabolism.

8. Get a good night’s sleep. 

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