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“If you can it, you can do it.” You’ve heard this saying right? Turns out this also applies if you are trying to lose weight. Eating healthier smaller portions and exercising regularly is the easy part, it’s mastering the mental part of losing weight that’s difficult.

Suggestions to help shift your mindset:

  1. Sit in front of the mirror and tell yourself 3 things you did yesterday to lose weight that you are proud of yourself.
  2. Anytime a negative thought enters your mind, immediately cast it away, you will eventually train your mind to think only positive thoughts.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine yourself hitting a future weight loss goal and how you’ll feel when you reach it.
  4. Be kind to yourself.

Positive Self-Talk

Simply controlling our negative thoughts and words and ultimately replacing them with positive thoughts and words can support weight management. Being kind to yourself and remembering that we are all human and will have slip-ups is so important and will help deter a negative mindset. You are worthy. You are strong.

Potential Positive Health Impacts

Focusing on the potential impacts losing weight can have on your life is another way to get your mindset right. Thinking often about how much better you will feel eating whole nutritious food or how much more energy you will have from exercising regularly can actually help you achieve things.

Don’t Punish Yourself

Celebrating your victories no matter how small they are has been shown to help facilitate a positive mind far more than punishing yourself for your failures. Focus in what you did right that week and how proud of yourself you are for the steps you are taking to live a healthier life.

Let’s work together to reach your health goals. Book a coaching session with me and let’s dive into your biggest health concerns, uncover the root cause, and create a lasting solution. Click here to see our offers.