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Tips for Belly Fat

What’s the number one way to NOT gain weight during the holiday season? Eat a balanced diet! Sounds like common sense, right?

Foods that are known to cause tummy problems:

  • Wheat (gluten)
  • Dairy
  • Refined sugar & flour
  • Alcohol
  • Fried foods

While staying on top of your weight goals can feel daunting right now, several key tips and tricks can help you be healthy, happy, and weight-conscious through the holiday season.

Practice Mindfulness.

  1. Bring yourself back to the present moment.
  2. Savor the flavor of what’s in your mouth and ENJOY what you’re eating.
  3. Pay attention to what you put on your plate.

Add these to your diet to aid digestion:

  1. Apple cider vinegar in water (hot or cold)
  2. Hydrochloric acid
  3. Digestive enzymes
  4. Grate ginger over food or in hot water

Let’s work together to reach your health goals. Book a coaching session with me and let’s dive into your biggest health concerns, uncover the root cause, and create a lasting solution. Click here to see our offers.